excerpts from Miami Beach .gov documents
January 31,2010
TO: Members of the Historic Preservation Board
Slum and Blighted Conditions: 304; 312 Ocean Drive, 315; 321 Ocean Drive, 320
Ocean Drive: These consist of three abandoned building and two abandoned vacant lots.
Buildings are open to the elements and to vagrants, a structural and fire hazard, colonized by
ferile cats, cat feces accumulating, insanitary conditions -under the County Code; demolition
by neglect of historically contributing building; properties in bankruptcy, foreclosure and
receivership with no assets to correct conditions and beyond the reach oflegal process
Below is a summary of the recent activities of the Building Department and the Code Compliance
Division with regard to the 300 Block of Ocean Drive:
Land Use & Development Committee Meeting
300 Block of Ocean Drive
March 22, 2010
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Vacant Properties on the 300 Block of Ocean Drive
321 Ocean Drive
On 1 0/30/09 the referenced property received a Notice of Violation for being unsafe open at windows and
doors BV1 0000067issued.
On 2/8/1 0 a joint inspection was performed by Building and Planning staff.
On 2/11/1 0 a determination was made by the Building Official to request the referenced property to be
taken before the Unsafe Structures Board.
The Unsafe Structures Board hearing date has been scheduled for April 21, 2010
304 Ocean Drive
On 5/12/09 a Notice of Violation # BV090007 48 was issued for the referenced property to secure any
On 2/26/10 the referenced building was inspected and the building was secure.
To date the building is being monitored to see that it stays in compliance with the Notice of Violation.
320 Ocean Drive
On 5/12/09 a stop work order was issued for renovating the property without permits.
On 6/23/09 the case was sent to the Special Master.
On 6/11/09 permit# B0903436 was issued and to date no Inspections have been called for.
To date the Building is being monitored and periodic reports must be submitted from the owner to the
Special Master.
Vacant Properties on the 300 Block of Ocean Drive
304 Ocean Drive
CE09002719/ JC09000953: Issued 1/29/09 for vacant building property maintenance violations
including trash and debris, overgrowth, graffiti, and unsecured openings. There is a fine running
on this property pursuant to a Special Master order of $500.00 per day; the total fines
accumulated so far are $58,001.89. Compliance was achieved through City contractors through
a lot clearance case (CE09007153) and graffiti case (CE1 0001557) below.
CE09004198: Issued 3/23/09, this was a forthwith sanitation violation for garbage bags dumped
on the property. This was removed by sanitation. The fine was $100.00 and a city bill was sent.
CE09006920: Issued 6/4/09, this was a forthwith sanitation violation for dried up cat food on the
property. This was removed by sanitation. The fine was $100.00 and a city bill was sent.
CE09007153: Issued 6/10/09, this was a lot clearance case. Property was then maintained by
the owner for a while then the lot was cut and cleared on 1 0/7/09 by the City contractor at a cost
of $125.00. A city bill has been sent.
CE10001557: Issued 12/7/09, this was a violation issued under the graffiti ordinance. The graffiti
was removed by the city on 1/26/1 0. The work order will be entered and a city bill will be sent.
Land Use & Development Committee Meeting
300 Block of Ocean Drive
March 22, 2010
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CE10002903: Issued 1/29/10, this is a lot clearance case (repeat) 2/11/10 The City contractor
cut all the overgrowth on the property at a cost of $190 and a city bill is being sent.
CE1 0003622 - Issued 2/24/10 this is a lot clearance case for the feral cat issue. Compliance
date is 3/11/2010 and the City is currently working with the owner's representative to achieve
312 Ocean Drive
CE09002718: Issued 1/29/09, this was a lot clearance case. The lot was cut and cleared by the
City contractor on 5/21/09 at a cost of $350.00, a city bill was sent.
CE09007154: Issued 6/1 0/09, this was a lot clearance case. The property was maintained by
the owner for a while, then the lot was cut and cleared by the City contractor on 1 0/7/09 at a cost
of $95.00, a city bill was sent.
CE10003055: Issued 2/2/10, this is a lot clearance case. Currently the lot is being maintained.
320 Ocean Drive
CE09009961/ JC10000265: Issued 9/22/09, was issued for property maintenance violations
including graffiti and to secure the building until active construction commences. Case was set
up for Special Master to be heard on 3/11/10.
3/9/1 0-AII violations have been complied with, the building is completely secure and was repainted.
Certificate of compliance issued.
321 Ocean Drive
CE08004054/ JC09000340: Issued 3/19/08, this case was issued for vacant building PM
violations including to scrape and paint the entire building, secure the building against entry,
paint over the graffiti and clear all overgrowth and trash and debris. There is a daily fine of
$200.00 a day running pursuant to a Special Master Order, the current total fine amount is
$29,623.00. Currently in compliance except for paint and stucco.
CE10002909: Issued 1/29/10, Issued under the graffiti ordinance. 2/12/10- All of the graffiti was
painted over (and the overgrowth/weeds were cut). Case set to be closed.
CE1 0003621: Issued on 2/3/10, Issued this is a lot clearance case. 3/9/10 - Currently the lot is
being maintained.
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Courtesy: Google Maps, Image April 2011 |
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