Miami Beach Policing February 2021

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Miami Beach Policing February 2021


Miami Beach Policing February 2021 Screencapture
Miami Beach Policing February 2021



 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 086-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Interim City Manager Raul J. Aquila DATE: March 2, 2021 í': OocuSigned by: e"e SUBJECT: MBPO Citywide and AOCO Policing Plan February 3-28, 2021 The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to update the Mayor and City Commission and to provide a summary update on the efforts of the Miami Beach Police Department Citywide and AOCO Policing Plan entering the 2021 Spring Break period. Starting on February 15, 2021, the Department transitioned to the Spring Break staffing deployment, temporarily consolidating yet even more resources to address the expected increase in demand for service. Enforcement efforts have resulted in the following: There have been 558 arrests made between February 3, 2021 and February 28, 2021. There were one hundred and eighty-seven (187) that were felony arrests. There were two hundred and nineteen (219) that were misdemeanor arrests. There were also one hundred and fifty-two (152) that were Municipal Ordinance Violations. The following is a further breakdown of the violations associated with these arrests and are as follows: • One hundred and eighty-six (186) of those arrested were involved public consumption of drugs. • Seventy-three (73) of those arrested involved public consumption of alcohol. • Thirty-nine (39) of those arrested had firearms seized. • Nine (9) persons were arrested for reckless driving. • Seventy-two (72) of those arrested involved obstruction and resisting arrest. • There were ten (1 O) incidents that involved boating violations. • Two hundred and eight (208) of the all arrests occurred on Collins Avenue (37 percent). The following is a breakdown of the residency status of the 558 arrested. • Two hundred and thirty-seven (237) of the five hundred fifty-eight (558) arrested reside in Miami-Dade County. DocuSign Envelope ID: 21EA798A4-8B30-49ED-AE3E-68499D1A7194 • Of the two hundred and thirty-seven (237) Miami-Dade arrestees, sixty (60) reside in Miami Beach. • Of the two hundred and thirty-seven (237) Miami-Dade arrestees, ninety (90) selfidentified as being homeless from Miami. • Of the five-hundred and fifty-eight (558) arrestees, forty-six (46) reside outside of Miami-Dade and in the State of Florida. • Two-hundred and seventy-five (275) of the five-hundred fifty-eight (558) arrested reside outside the State of Florida. This accounts for 49 percent of the total arrests. The following is breakdown of the location of the arrest(s) as it pertains to the area configuration of the City. • Three hundred and twenty-three (323) of the five-hundred fifty-eight (558) arrestees' city-wide arrests were made in the Art Deco Cultural District (ADCD). This is 58 percent of the total arrests made citywide. • Ninety-nine (99) of the three hundred twenty-three (323) arrested in the AOCO reside in Miami-Dade County. o Of the ninety-nine (99) Miami-Dade resident arrests made in the AOCO, seventeen (17) were from Miami Beach. o Of the ninety-nine (99) Miami-Dade resident arrests made in the AOCO, thirty-nine (39) self-identified as being homeless from Miami. • Twenty-eight (28) of those arrested in the AOCO reside outside of Miami-Dade in the State of Florida. • One hundred and ninety-six (196) of those arrested in the AOCO reside outside the State Florida. This accounts for 61 percent of the total arrests. • Of the three hundred and twenty-three (323) AOCO arrests, one hundred and three (103) were felony arrests. There were eighty-eight (88) misdemeanor arrests and one hundred and thirty-two (132) Municipal Ordinance Violations. • One hundred and twenty-three (123) of the three hundred and twenty-three (323) arrests made in the ADCD occurred on Collins Avenue (38 percent). • On February 28, 2021 at 1:53 AM, Department personnel found the Chelsea Hotel/Havana Vieja, located at 944 Washington, open in violation of emergency orders. Code Compliance was notified and the business was cited. RJA/RMC:PP 0--