The Use of Any Drum, Miami Beach Fraud

"Noises to attract attention. The use of any drum, loudspeaker or other instrument or device for the purpose of attracting attention by creation of any unreasonably loud or unnecessary noise to any performance, show, sale, display or advertisement of merchandise."

Additional Notes to look into:  Fake city sound study.  Textbook fake out. Never produced.
Fake news articles. Law not cited.
Former politicians giving fake and bad legal advise.  Easy legal case for the residents.
Videos with have copyright music layered on drum noise.  Creative editing.
Complaining about complainers.  Move to Naples response.
People who live in Flamingo Park not South of Fifth are encouraging drum noise.
Another surprise March Spring Break noise issue.  Textbook Miami Beach revolving door story.
Nobody recommends Flamingo Park as an alternative.  Lowered property values.  
Two residents who already sued the city not speaking up about city not enforcing existing laws.  Both are also ran for office.  
Office that is used by one group of activists is given money to them by the city and they use city property as their office.  Conflict of interest. 

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